Friday, July 27, 2007


i am two worlds
being and beingness
in one i am
in the other i am not
yet one contains the other
in one i abide and evaporate
of the other nothing can be said

i am both the void and the man
there is no real dichotomy but for the questioner who thinks of himself as real
he has no independent nature apart from the space in which he appears
for what is seen can only be given by the seer
the trap is that the seer is stuck within the body
whereas the body is but a gate to the seen world
where sights, sounds, smells, tastes and touch appear

this has been called the divine dance
the interplay between creator, created, consciousness and the supreme
all of which are one appearing as the many
from nothing everything arises and then returns

consider this is only the fragrance of truth for it can never be known
at once I am the message, the messenger and none at all

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