Thursday, June 28, 2012

sons of the sun

the one cosmic mind
appears as the many

the appearance is
the movement of eternity
a birthing of itself into itself
as the multitude
energy from the vacuum
is the nature of this absolute

the ocean raining into individuation
each spark of the whole
son of the sun
aspiring to know the father
and to be greater than he
in explosions of realization
evaporating back unto the self

all that appears
is not in between
nor bound in time

the sparks individuating
and then evaporating into self Return
is life itself
expressing itself
as inside and outside
this and that
me you and i

in this movie of life
the senses not perceivers
but actors within the film
the seen and seer
only a stirring of unity

dance shiva dance
om nataraja namah om

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